

sabato 26 marzo 2016


"Leonard says I've always enjoyed playing games with words in order to dodge the real meanings of things; this segues with suspicious neatness into my intuitions about the impending death of lexical utterance, and I'm afraid I indulge myself for several minutes before I realize that one of us has severed the connection. I curse Leonard's pipe, and his wife with a face like the rind of a ham.'

"Though of course your brother was only pointing out that perfection, when we get right down to the dark, cheese-binding heart of the matter, is impossible."

'There is no shortage of things that are perfect for the function that defines them, [...]  Turing Machine.'

"Those aren't persons."

'No one has ever argued pursuasively that that has anything to do with it. My professors stopped trying.”

In questo interessante estratto del libro 'La ragazza con i capelli strani' di David Foster Wallace la macchina viene vista come manifestazione della perfezione, una perfezione che nulla ha a che fare con noi comuni esseri umani. Leggendo queste righe mi sorge spontaneamente la necessità di trovare dei limiti al concetto di perfezione.

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